How to Draw a Flower and Pitcher with Colored Ballpoint Pens
CourseIn this course, after the basic exercises that we did in the previous course, we will do more exercises with colored Ballpoint pens technique. So in this course we can draw beautiful things and enjoy them more.
Microsoft Technology Associate 98-349 Operating System Fundamentals Certification Course
CourseCOURSE OBJECTIVES Understanding Operating System Configurations Understanding Managing Applications Managing Devices Troubleshooting Operating Systems Malware prevention and detection Configure and use management tools Configure antivirus
The Complete Ballpoint Pen Drawing Course For Beginners
CourseThe goal of this course is to learn, how to create simple and elemental models with ballpoint pens and we are going to get familiar with required tools in colored ballpoint pen technique in order to create beautiful paintings in everywhere.
The Colored Pencil Drawing Techniques Course
CourseThe goal of this course is to get familiar with the principles of coloring. You can learn different techniques of coloring in the least time and cost as well as creating beautiful models.
Docker MasterClass : Docker, Docker Swarm for DevOps Professionals
CourseLearn Advance Docker & Docker Swarm form Experts. Develop and Conterize Application for Docker. Convert your application into a Docker Application. Manage Data Volumes using Docker and Docker Swarm. Learn Continuous Deployment using Docker Swarm.
Javascript Calculator: Build a Calculator using HTML, CSS and Javascript
CourseLearn to Build a Simple Calculator using HTML, CSS and Javascript.