Malware and Vulnerability Assessment Scanner
CourseLearn about vulnerability assessment and become experts in finding them to secure your company's server.
Mobile App Business Ideas And Hiring / Outsourcing Engineers
CourseLearn how to create or outsource your your mobile app game, social or photo app business idea for Android / iPhone.
Entrepreneurship For Engineers: Master Business & Marketing
CourseTechie, programmer, coder, IT or Computer Science major? Become an entrepreneur & learn business for non-business people.
Technical SEO: 2-Second Website Load Speed In 1 Day
CourseFaster website with Technical SEO, UX design & web development using GTMetrix, Google Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights.
Entrepreneur Anxiety & Stress Management w/ Time Management
CourseStop being controlled by stress and feeling overwhelmed with anxiety & stress management via proper task prioritization.
Parenting: Business & Entrepreneurship For Kids And Teens
CourseParenting course to guide your children (or teenagers) on a successful business teaching valuable career and life skills.