7 Photoshop Web Design Projects. Learn Web Design by Doing.
CourseThe goal of this course is to teach you how to create web designs, that provide a great user experience, through actually doing projects.
Zombie Apocalypse Photoshop Actions
CourseIn this course you’ll learn all the tools I use to create custom Zombie’s, in Photoshop, from ordinary portraits.
7 GIMP Web Design Projects
CourseLearn how to create great user experience web designs, in GIMP, AND learn by doing actual web design projects. Learn web design by doing!
Photoshop Light Effects
CourseThis course provides valuable lessons on how to use 5 awesome Photoshop tools that will allow you to; add light, enhance existing light, enhance and add color to your sunsets and sunrises, create lens leaks, add lens flare and much more.
The System Hacking Course
CourseStudy system hacking as a beginner and use this course to advance your ethical hacking career.
Hacking with Malware Threats, Sniffing, and Social Engineering
CourseLearn how to process malware threats, perform social engineering, and start sniffing to advance your cyber security career today!