What can you do with a Jerry Banfield PLR license?

  • Product may be sold separately. Product may be bundled with other products. Product can be a bonus for another product.

  • Can be added to paid membership sites. Can add bonuses to the Product for sale. Can be sold as a physical product. Can be sold as a digital product.

  • You may put your own name on the sales letter. You may rename the Product. You may edit the sales material when available.

  • You may edit the content of the product. You may use the source code/material to create new products. You may use the name(s) of the author/creator/seller of the Product.

  • Can be translated into other languages. Can be used to build a list.

  • Cannot be added to free membership sites. Cannot be given away for free. Cannot be used for YouTube or other free video sites.

  • Cannot be used or sold on Udemy, Skillshare, Uthena, or other course platforms you don't own

  • Cannot offer Resale Rights, Master Resale Rights, or Private Label Rights.

Private Label Rights (PLR)

This bundle is available with Private Label Rights (PLR). 

When you buy a course with private label rights on Uthena, the author of the course gives you permission to download the course and sell it as your own on your website according to the terms of the PLR license included.

After purchasing, you will have access to a Dropbox folder with all PLR courses and you will receive the PLR license and a special bonus


See a sample of the PLR license.

You have the option to buy Master Resell Rights (MRR) to this bundle, which allows your customers to have the right to sell the courses as well.

See a sample of the MRR license.

Which Courses Are Ready and Easy to Upload?

All of these 116 courses are ready to upload, clearly outlined on Uthena, and will be easy for you to publish on your own website!

Complete List of Jerry Banfield PLR Courses!

You can see the exact folders available for you to download videos from as soon as we add you to our Dropbox folder after purchase! 

Here are the top 10 courses I recommend starting with!

  1. YouTube Success in 2020! 
  2. The Complete TikTok Course — 0 to 200K Views + Make Stories on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube! 
  3. Top Digital Marketing Practices on Facebook, YouTube, Google, and Twitter in 2019. 
  4. The WordPress Ecommerce Course for a Fast Website Selling Online Courses and Services with Kinsta, Astra, WooCommerce, and LearnDash!
  5. The Zapier Course — Save Time and Scale Digital Marketing With Automation!
  6. The ActiveCampaign Email Marketing and Automation Course!
  7. The OBS Course for Recording Videos and Live Streaming with Open Broadcaster Software!
  8. Master Facebook Live Gaming at FB.gg!
  9. Master of Google AdWords
  10. Airbnb Experience Creation: Host Events for Business, Art, Health, and Entertainment!

All PLRs are organized in DropBox!

All 116 video courses are organized in folders. Each course is organized in sections. Each section has ordered  video titles. This makes it easy to upload any course to your e-Learning platform.

This is the complete list of PLR video courses available in the DropBox library.

Buy this PLR bundle today!

"Jerry Banfield Master PLR Bundle"

You can buy Private Label Rights (PLR) for all courses in this bundle and others, click here.

You can buy Master Resell Rights (MRR) for all courses in this bundle and others, click here.